The sky filled with clouds which then broke apart, then came back, repeatedly. The temperature steadily fell. I saw bees flying around the camellia in the morning but they were gone by noon.

A half dozen sparrows scurried around hunting food on the patio. The red bellied woodpecker breakfasted on suet. Then the yellow rumped warbler did the same. The creek was mostly quiet though fishing cormorants disturbed the reflections. Shovelers were back on the lake.

At lunchtime, the yellow rumped warbler drove off a pine warbler that wanted some suet too. She sulked in the dogwood. A titmouse took advantage of the distraction. Later a nuthatch showed up.

I walked around outside and an egret flew over, but I was caught with the wrong focal length. I also saw a heron fly by. I had stayed in for days, first because of the snow, then because the ground was spongy. There were a few fishing ducks out on the creek - hoodies and buffleheads. Crows chased something big.

I put jelly and mealworms out and began to be concerned they'd had no takers. Finally two wrens appeared. Then the oriole found the jelly where I'd moved it to the birdbath. A song sparrow arrived around then.
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