I got up late. The sky was broken overcast. The creek was quiet but I saw red bellied and downy woodpeckers, nuthatches, a pine warbler, titmice, and house finches. A blue jay ate an acorn in the cherry. I put out mealworms and jelly since I didn't see the oriole. I'm pretty sure that only the more timid male is still around. And then around 11, rain fell and probably turned the goodies to soup.

It rained again during lunch and the temperature dropped as a NW wind blew. Nevertheless lots of white throats and a song sparrow foraged for lunch. The song sparrow got into the birdbath again. One of the white throats ate mealworms and another got on the seed feeder. A yellow rumped warbler showed up. A nuthatch worked on its seed in the dogwood. The red bellied woodpecker inspected one of the neighbor's big pines. But still no oriole or wrens. The sun broke through around 2pm.
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