It was 15
°F when we got up! The sun soon rose and made everything gorgeous, at least till it all thaws which may not be till Tuesday. Many birds were already having breakfast. A pine warbler and the red bellied woodpecker shared the suet. The orioles both made it through the night. Downy woodpeckers and yellow rumped warblers also got up early. The cowbirds returned briefly. White throated sparrows, juncos, and a dove foraged in the snow.

The creek was frozen down nearly to the dam. There a great blue heron presided over a half dozen snowy egrets. I saw a female bufflehead out fishing. Three buzzards flew low over the dam, still hanging around the same spot. The heron and egrets watched them. A male hoodie showed up a bit later, then a pair of ruddy ducks.

Impressive icicles decorated the house. Titmice and nuthatches slept in but got up for brunch. The oriole shared suet with a downy but pushed a Carolina wren right off. I saw a song sparrow but couldn't get a good shot. The sky was clear all day with just an occasional puffball cloud. But it was so cold that all the sunshine didn't melt much.
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