The ice on the creek, and even the snow on the grass, was turning to vapor when we got up. It made a dense, low fog. Much of the snow was already gone, as were the icicles.

A pine warbler was already on the suet. But the downy wanted in too. I only saw the junior oriole today. Carolina wrens and white throated sparrows soon arrived.

The ice fog dissipated by mid morning. At last, the heron was back on its favorite spot at the end of the dock next to the dam. Buffleheads fished along the edge of the ice, sometimes surfacing through it.

The red bellied woodpecker came for lunch. So did nuthatches. The wrens wanted to know why their mealworms had nasty jelly on them. A blue jay lurked but stayed away from the feeders. A flock of crows carried on like they'd seen a dragon before heading off South.

Honeybees hunted for unfrozen camellia flowers. Apparently some buds survived. The rosemary had shed all its flowers.
A very round moon glowed through a thin cloud layer as I came home.
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