Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Water birds

The sunlight on the creek seemed a bit muted as though filtered by haze.  An early pine warbler tried to beat other birds to the food.  White throats were up early as well.  Blue jays discovered that I had refilled the barkbutter dish.  A myrtle warbler discovered the fresh jelly.  A mockingbird glowered at the seeds and a cardinal sampled the barkbutter balls. Then they switched sides.  

A mourning dove drank from the pool puddle and then foraged under the seed feeder.  The temperature rose into the upper 60s and the snow was reduced to one lump of shoveling.  The sky was cloudless though not a deep blue.  A Carolina wren ate suet.  Then a male red belly wanted suet.  An oriole visited the jelly.  

A pelican flew up the lake.  A flock of about ten hooded mergansers drifted around the dock.  The hoodies paddled off downstream which was when I got a count of them.  The drakes hadn't been visible before.  A female bufflehead popped to the surface and saw the other ducks disappearing.  She paddled after them as fast as she could, but soon resorted to flying.  Cormorants were silhouetted against the evening sky.  

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