Sunday, February 2, 2025


A red-winged blackbird visited with the starlings.   His back was still spotted so I suspect he was hatched last Spring.  I also saw a junco scurrying around among the white throats. A white wall of cloud stretched across the sky in the North.  It slowly slid North and disappeared.  There was enough periods of sunshine that if we had groundhogs and one had stuck its head above ground, It would probably have seen a shadow.   A few blue jays and warblers came for peanut suet nuggets, i.e. imitation barkbutter balls.

It's not uncommon to see a flicker out in the grass on in the trees, but today a female visited the feeders.  She landed on the bench, then clung to the post, eying the suet.  The starling on the suet cage refused to budge.  Then the flicker tried to land on the railing by the barkbutter dish but slid off.  So she settled for suet crumbs on the ground.  There she encountered a squirrel, but persisted.  

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