Thursday, February 13, 2025

Three pelicans a-bathing

A dark, misty dawn turned to rain during breakfast.  The usual birds - cardinals, house finches, titmice, white throats - rushed to eat when the rain started.  A Carolina wren had seeds and suet.  Then I saw pelicans afloat on the creek in the rain.  Instead of fishing, they were ducking and flapping just like a songbird in the birdbath.  A cormorant and a hoodie investigated the commotion.  

The wind picked up and the mist cleared though the sky stayed gray.  A great blue heron stood on a dock post to preen its feathers which were sticking out every which way.  A male and a female oriole came to the suet.  The male didn't figure out right away how to get at the suet and when he did, he kicked off the female.  When he left she returned to the frustration of a waiting downy.  He paced vertically on the post, then gave up and ate seeds.  

A myrtle warbler was the next suet visitor.  Then the male pileated woodpecker arrived.  A female downy was frustrated this time.  The female pileated wanted a turn too but the male was too greedy.  I caught a glimpse of a kingfisher on the post where the heron had been.  A couple of crows landed in the redwood.  The rain came back and I gave up watching. 

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