Sunday, February 23, 2025


I was late getting up so the two wrens eating suet weren't really early birds.  White throats still hunted seeds in the snow but the juncos were gone.  So was much of the snow.  The orioles were still enthusiastic about suet and jelly.  A bluebird came for seeds.  Four squirrels poked through the snow under the feeder.  Patches of ice floated on the creek but it was mainly open water. 

Competition at the feeders wasn't so fierce and a brown headed nuthatch got some seeds.  A pine warbler got some suet.  Some time after lunch, a hawk flew across the yard.  This time I saw its buff belly clearly but not in time to grab the camera.  There was no prey in sight and it was flying too high to be hunting around the feeders anyway.  I suspect the birds had known it was around and that's why they weren't.  Curiously, it was not pursued by crows.  

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