Friday, February 21, 2025

Snow bright

Juncos and white throats hunted seeds in the snow.   An oriole pecked snow from the suet.  Icicles sparkled and some hung from the jelly dish.  That did not deter the male oriole.  A pine warbler wanted suet but wouldn't challenge the orioles.  A myrtle warbler settled for the seed feeder.  The creek was still gray ice except where the current ran under the boatlift on the other bank.  Gusts of wind blew snow out of the pines.  The sun's glare off the snow made it hard to see my computer screen.  But the snow was still beautiful.  

A male red belly ate suet.  K shoveled paths to the feeder dishes so the birds got a fresh helping of barkbutter balls and jelly.  That brought blue jays.  Otherwise it was the same cast of birds as the last several days: bluebirds, a mockingbird, and a Carolina wren.  The temperature crept above freezing for a few hours. 

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