Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hotter today

The hummer was hard at work but disturbed by the finch squabbles. It would dart over to see what they were doing then hurry back to its feeder.

The "cone of doom" has Irene arriving Saturday night/Sunday morning. And the air is again full of smoke. What an assortment of natural conditions I have had to blog about - snow, windstorm, swamp fire, earthquake, and next a hurricane. (Not to mention the plague of frogs.)

An opportunistic plant has rooted in the scar of a missing limb on the remaining oak. The oak is starting a new branch beside it and you can see the leaves are different. It's at least twenty feet in the air.

A leaf-footed true bug was shedding its exoskeleton on the front of the house as I went out. It was still there when I got home three hours later, but the empty molt was gone. Too bad I didn't have time for a photo when it was in process.

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