Monday, November 24, 2014

Buffleheads have arrived

Fat, wooly clouds, the early ones tinted yellow, streamed East.  Overnight rain filled the birdbath and fogged the windows so I could not get photos of the early-rising white throats in the mulch.  Then wind ruffled the creek and dried the glass so I saw geese and two female buffleheads on the water.  A pair of cardinals visited the feeder. 

The sky cleared to blue at lunch but the wind kept birds under cover except for a turkey vulture.  The maple tree went red since Saturday.  Then more clouds rolled in from the SW and it looked like rain.  It was shirt-sleeve warm and very humid - the patio never dried out despite the wind.

At dusk, the clouds broke apart but more were coming, smoke gray against a silver sky.  The crickets sounded loud and fast.  I think the last caterpillar has gone. 

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