Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The fox came back

I left for a meeting before sunrise which was quite colorful.  When I got home, birds were having a fishing frenzy.  A pair of pelicans, gulls, cormorants, egrets, and herons all followed the fish upstream.  Unfortunately there was still enough foliage to make photography difficult. It was cold and windy but beautiful. 

At lunch a full grown gray fox walked from one corner of the house to the other right in front of the glass.  But fast as I snatched the camera, I only caught its rear end. Very little happened at the feeder, just a finch and a few chickadees.

The sky clouded over in the afternoon though the wind blew the clouds apart every so often.  Squirrels chased each other around the yard.

After dark the temperature dropped to 34° by 9pm.  I wonder if I'll see frost in the morning? 

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