Saturday, November 22, 2014

Ice on the creek!

While I didn't see frost, the ice showed that there'd been a real freeze.  Interestingly, the thin skin of ice (thin enough to ripple) seemed to be spreading as the morning progressed.  Some mallards paddled in the clear areas.  The air was still and the sky clear.  Then a boat came through and churned the ice to slush. 

Up in the yard, a blue jay and other birds flew among the trees.  White throated sparrows visited the feeder first, then the regulars.  A dove poked around.

At lunch, titmice competed for a place at the feeder and I saw one down in the mulch.  Then the !#$% cat showed up and everyone went into hiding.  A big bird I think was an osprey soared in circles above the creek. 

In the afternoon we went out to Pleasure House Point.  As we were walking out a pelican passed overhead.  Out at the Center low tide exposed bars where gulls rested.  On the way home I saw a sundog, probably an indication that the weather won't be as nice tomorrow.

Since I was already bundled up I decided to spend the rest of the sunlight in the back yard.  A kingfisher saw me first and took off.  Cormorants and gulls flew over and ducks paddled around what was left of the creek in a very low tide.  The ducks nibbled at the barnacle encrusted pilings.  At least one caterpillar is still alive, though very sluggish. 

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