Sunday, February 18, 2018

GBBC day 3

A beautiful day, but windy!  I spent about seven hours watching birds as I cooked and read the paper.  K installed a fresh block of suet at lunch.  The squirrels finished off the granola and I put mealworms and bark butter balls in the dish feeder.  A big black fly got into the house. 

I saw a male bluebird a couple of times, and a female junco.  The two yellow rumped warblers continued their power struggle over the suet, but the male pine warbler stuck to seeds today. And the kinglet was still missing.

Doves and white throated sparrows hunted seeds in the mulch.  (The mulch appeared to be erupting in spots where bulbs were pushing through.)  A titmouse, a Carolina wren, house finches, cardinals, chickadees, and a pair of downy woodpeckers and a pair of red bellied woodpeckers visited the feeders.

A starling took over the suet but scattered bits that the smaller birds pounced on.  A crow tried to eat from the dish but a blue jay just annoyed other birds.

On and over the creek, I saw pelicans and gulls, geese, cormorants, and a great blue heron that was belly deep in the water. Mallards, hoodies, a red breasted mergansers, and a pair of ruddy ducks paddled and dived or dabbled.  The creek was mostly rough but that didn't seem to stop the fishing.

The lack of clouds kept sunset from being anything special.  But the feral cat showed up at twilight and every other animal cleared out. 

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