Monday, January 7, 2019

Pecking order

Orioles were up early, including the male, but the light was poor.  Dawn was as pretty as a sunset.  A heron landed by the dam outfall to watch the tide rise. 

On the suet, a downy confronted an oriole, or was it the other way around?  It got a little physical but then they agreed to share.  Eventually the downy gave up, or else was full. White throats bustled about in the mulch. 

When I looked out at lunchtime the orioles were still stuffing themselves.  They tried sharing.  One even tried to pick up after herself under the jelly feeder.  And there was another argument with a downy over the suet.  A little flock of juncos appeared.  So did a handful of pine and myrtle warblers.  The usual seed feeder birds were joined by titmice.  For the first time, I saw a nuthatch down in the mulch. 

Several pelicans fished the creek.  A circling buzzard watched with interest.  A heron perched on a lake snag while Northern Shovelers paddled past.  The were the first I'd seen this winter.  A little hoodie drake paddled after them.  I saw the hawk again but couldn't get a picture. 

Clouds crowded the sky and then dispersed, then more came and repeated the cycle.  While most of the clouds traveled East, a few fluffs of cumulus at a lower altitude headed West. 

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