Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tenants moving in

Despite the rain bluebirds were busy with the bluebird house.  As I made the beds, I also saw a blue jay and a brown thrasher hanging around, watching the bluebirds move in.

Lots of birds showed up at lunch.  A pine warbler didn't remain still long enough, especially as the camera was coping with rain-streaked glass. The brown thrasher reached the fresh block of suet more easily.  But a considerably smaller downy woodpecker got frustrated and leapt onto the suet, causing it to spin around which was more than the brown thrasher was prepared for.

A Carolina wren was not pleased with the soggy bark butter balls.  A crow visited but everything was uncomfortably small.  Then a female oriole settled on the suet. The wren moved to its favorite perch in the dogwood.  The wind got in its feathers and made it look furry.

Raindrops like jewels dotted the purple witch hazel.  Water off the roof made waves in a bucket.  The fig put out leaves.  The redbuds contrasted with the yellow pompoms.  One strange result of the all day rain was finding an earthworm hiking across the bedroom carpet around 7pm.  When I tried to pick it up, it clung to the carpet with bristles and segment edges and I may have damaged it somewhat before tossing it outside. 

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