Saturday, September 26, 2020

Off-and-on rain

It was a zebra sort of day with stripes of sunshine and raincloud.  Several times the rain clouds were overhead while the sun shone underneath at an angle.  Gray or bright, the creek mirrored the sky. 

The new daylily bloomed.  A brown thrasher breakfasted on bark butter rain mush.  When the day warmed, a skink ventured out.  A Carolina wren tried to snatch a meal from the seed feeder.  Downy woodpeckers showed up when I put out a fresh tub of bark butter. 

The usual wasps and a few bumblebees were on the mountain mint.  Unfortunately the spider mite infestation kept spreading during the rainy days.  A skipper, a hairstreak, and a black swallowtail took advantage of a sunny interval.  And a black swallowtail caterpillar munched parsley.  Then I spotted wheelbugs mating!  A damselfly lurked near the pool.  I rescued crickets and leafhoppers and one beetle.  A very small spider seemed to be creating a fairly large web under the dogwood.  I hope I remember to check in the morning. 

And in the pool were two frogs, one medium and one quite small.  I evicted the little one but the water was too cold (70) to encourage me to chase the other one.  Later I saw the small one sitting on the pool ladder while the big one still fled when I attempted to scoop it up.  


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