Monday, May 15, 2023

White sky

The birds were impatient for refilled dishes, but my lateness may have saved them from a cat.  Instead, the long-haired yellow cat tried to catch a squirrel.  (The dog was oblivious to all the drama.)  After the squirrel got away, the black cat appeared and the two felines seemed to have a conversation.  Finally they left and I refilled the barkbutter balls and mealworms.  

It didn't take long for a mockingbird appear, then a blue jay.  Brown headed nuthatches ignored those delicacies and stuck with sunflower seeds.  But the bluebirds were happy to feast on mealworms with a side of barkbutter.  

The pileated woodpecker visited while I was outside.  She let out a screech and veered off to the dogwood.  Humpf.  The dog was outside too but I'm fairly sure it was my looks that sent her off.  

A pine warbler dug into the mealworms.  A rather frazzled bluebird followed.  Two mockingbirds came for lunch together one to the barkbutter balls dish, the other to the birdbath.  

A bluebird brought a worm to the nestbox.  The false indigo was in bloom.  So was Japanese honeysuckle I need to chop down.  Two Carolina wrens played tag around the base of the redwood.  Either they were courting or one was a juvenile.  

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