Monday, June 24, 2024


Rain fell overnight and the morning was still damp though the birdbath hadn't collected any water.  A Carolina wren picked through the barkbutter crumbs.  A squirrel was determined to break into the seed feeder and glared at me when it was unsuccessful.  Most of the flowers were finished except for the daisies. 

The goldfinches visited at lunchtime. Then the male pileated woodpecker arrived to see if there was suet.  A black swallowtail flitted between the rue and mountain mint.  Wasps were loyal to the mountain mint. Then the rain came down hard.  It held the temperature down in the 80s.  

In the aftermath of the rain, I saw a hummingbird hovering over the saltmarsh.  Maybe it was catching bugs for nestlings?  It seemed so strange to see one away from a feeder.  

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