Thursday, June 13, 2024


The sky was hazy to overcast and the breeze seemed ineffective against the humidity.  I saw a bird perch at the top of a pine that I'm fairly certain was a great crested flycatcher.  The light was poor so I judged by shape.  Blue jays were happy that I put out more barkbutter balls.  Lots of red flowers bloomed - roses, gladiolus - but no hummers. The first daisy bloomed too. 

Skinks prowled but I didn't see dragonflies.  Since they're both insect eaters I thought the humid weather would attract them both.  The first skink was very wide in the middle and had a regrown tail.  I couldn't see all of the second but it looked more streamlined.  Both were very red in the face.  Later, a glittering greenbottle blow fly walked slowly on the patio concrete.  Apparently they tend to seem docile like that.  

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