Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Great crested flycatcher

I saw a titmouse on the seed feeder as I left in the morning.  I also saw the yellow cat on my way out.  After I got home, I dumped the rainwater out of the dish and filled it with barkbutter balls.  That drew blue jays.  Goldfinches and the bluebird with the bent feather stuck with seeds.  In the evening, blue jays queued up for seeds too. 

The flycatcher didn't sample any food but it tried its best to come through the glass into the house.  It didn't seem to learn and tested all the windows several times.  But since it was just fluttering at them and not striking them, I didn't interfere.  I'm pretty sure I saw a second flycatcher fly over the house which eventually the first one did too.  I wondered if they were fledglings because they didn't seem very smart. 

The day heated up into the 90s and I didn't do much outdoor puttering.  The breeze wasn't as helpful either.  A cabbage white wanted mountain mint nectar but was bugged by wasps.  A tiger swallowtail bobbed around the wild cherry.  I assume it was laying eggs.  Bees feasted on mountain mint.  The tux cat tried to catch a squirrel.  I had a hard time finding the orchard spider after the rain.  The red flowers were spent, replaced by white daisies, a yellow daylily, and a yellow sunflower.  

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