Saturday, June 1, 2024


We went to a picnic today and had lovely weather for it - sunny, breezy, low humidity, no bugs.  That last was observed by K.  There was lots of clover but only one honeybee.  We suspect the city sprayed the dickens out of the park.   When we got home, I noticed a new daylily had begun blooming.  There were still lots of orange daylilies.  A yellow crowned night heron chose a dock piling as a place to preen.  

Toward evening as I ate supper, a hummer visited the feeder.  Another rosebud started to open.  The butterfly milkweed buds opened but the mountain mint wasn't quite ready.  The topmost leaves turned pale but there weren't any flower heads yet.  As I was about to get up and put things away, a male towhee showed up.  He puttered and fidgeted all around the steps and under the feeder and around the birdbath.  He was fairly successful at finding seeds.  The seedpods on the money plant looked like gold coins in the evening light.  

It has been a wet year thus far.  For the first five months of 2024, we were 6" above average, about 34%. 

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