Sunday, June 2, 2024


I put barkbutter balls so we entertained blue jays for breakfast.  Or they entertained us.  The day was windy and cloudy and surprisingly hot.  A great blue skimmer chose one of the shorter perches.  He spent a lot of the time in the air.  The orange puffball-like slime mold seemed withered and shrunken.  As usual, lots of spiders walked on the water and I evicted a few.  I think the bumblebee I rescued was deceased.  A butterfly hung out on an oak leaf, sallying forth like a dragonfly.  I cannot imagine what prompted that behavior   

A yellow crowned night heron perched on the dock. A couple more herons flew downstream and the heron on the dock appeared to resent it.  It took off after the others and soon they came fleeing back.  The clouds looked a bit threatening but nothing came of it.  

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