Saturday, June 8, 2024

Mysterious stranger #4750

I was busy in the morning.  At lunch, a mockingbird  checked for treats.  The goldfinch pair had seeds.  Later, when there was shade I swam and chased spiders and rescued beetles.  A damselfly cruised slowly and hovered just a few inches above the pool surface.  I didn't have the camera and I doubt I could have photographed it if I had.  But it was very cool to see.  

A maroon daylily bloomed.  The plain orange and the ruffled yellow daylilies were still blooming steadily.  The sky was hazy in the late afternoon.  Then we got a very mysterious visitor.  A pigeon landed on the edge of the pool.  It seemed as big as a duck.  Its light leg was banded with the number 4750.  What do I do with that information?  At any rate, after a little while, the bird flew away.  

The goldfinch pair returned but the cardinals harassed them.  Both male and female acted like bullies even when they didn't want to eat.  The two male cardinals had an extended chase as well.  Testy!  

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