The day began with pink wispy clouds which thickened and then cleared. The creek has been very active. Pelicans are plunging after fish while cormorants and mergansers dive from the surface. One pelican had a train of cormorants as it swallowed its catch. A male kingfisher flew past. Gulls are playing on the wind and crows are fussing.

The feeder was almost empty so I dumped and refilled it. Plenty of seed is scattered in the mulch. Doves, juncos, and sparrows are happy with that. On the feeder, I saw cardinals, a Carolina wrens, and nuthatches. The reason I don't always tag the "usual suspects" is that they are here year around. I'm more interested in dates for the seasonal birds.
At lunch, the ducks and pelicans were joined by gulls and an osprey. The osprey just circled, but a great black-backed gull plunged head-first pelican-style. And speaking of seasonal migrants, I haven't seen any buffleheads for a while.
Late, the bright planet was sinking into the West.
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