The sunlight slid under the clouds at dawn but now the light is diffuse and shadows are blurry. Finches were on the feeder and a squirrel was busy beneath. A blue jay passed through. What I believe is a juvenile eagle flew upstream, then came back a few minutes later. It was bigger than an osprey, mottled brown and white, with a white tail.
The Carolina jessamine has a blossom! Around lunch time, a titmouse, a nuthatch, cardinals, chickadees, and a few juncos, came to the feeder. On the ground, both species of sparrow, more juncos and a female towhee foraged.

At class this morning, I saw a woodpecker in the magnolia outside the window. It was in silhouette so I cannot be sure which species it was - mid-size, no crest. But that reminded me that I haven't seen many woodpeckers so far this winter.
mackerel sky gave way to a muted gold sunset.
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