A thin layer of cloud is making the sky mostly white but the sun is getting through dimly. Doves and both species of sparrows are in the mulch. The white throats are also feeding on the rosemary. Nuthatches, chickadees and finches are visiting the feeder. A great black back gull landed on the dock next door and drove off crows. I wonder if fish have been cleaned recently.

A pelican flew over the creek which is rough this morning - no reflections today. It is windy. I saw a robin on the way home. Here are two views of white throated sparrows.
At lunch, the female towhee showed up. Two Carolina wrens joined in and a yellow-rumped warbler appeared in the rosemary. The neighboring dock continues to fascinate gulls and crows.
The male cardinals are beginning to get territorial. Finch males are feeding females. Buds are swelling and deciduous trees have a color haze. The groundhog may have been right.
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