Apparently light rain fell during the morning leaving dry shadows under the trees. A blackbird flock was in the area and some just had to test the feeder's counterweight. This brown-headed cowbird managed to snatch a seed before the door dropped. They annoyed the other birds who could get at the seeds: several nuthatches, titmice, finches, chickadees, and cardinals. Doves, sparrows, and juncos were busy below and the female towhee joined them.

Mid-afternoon, the male towhee showed up. Two wrens joined the feeder queue. The warbler made a brief stop in the rosemary. At least seven doves were milling around. Several herons and egrets worked the creek banks. Crows chased each other for lack of a better target.
The hyacinths have broken ground. As predicted, the rain returned at dusk.
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