Before I started my bird count this morning, a warbler was feeding in the rosemary, but it didn't come back to be counted. I counted 8-9am. Gulls, and osprey, an egret, pelicans, and cormorants fished. The tide was flowing out. At 8 the sky was still and blue but by 9 wind was pushing clouds Southeast. Four squirrels frisked. One bowled the others over then got chased. Crows played with the wind.

On and under the feeder: chickadees, wrens, doves, both sparrow species, cardinals, house finches, and a titmouse. Dramatic clouds continue to sail past. The nuthatch has arrived. The other birds keep stuffing themselves. The roof is dripping but snow in the shade persists. I think the hot water I added to the birdbath has frozen.

An ominous cloud appeared and there were flakes at 11. Now it is brighter and there is meltwater in the birdbath. A flock of red breasted mergansers and cormorants drove fish downstream in that rolling, end-over-end method I never get tired or watching. An osprey watched from the pines and a pelican cruised alongside. The flock made at least four passes.
Egrets and herons jostled for evening fishing spots while cormorants flew home. There were just the right sort of clouds for a spectacular sunset. And at the last minute an eagle soared among them.
The setting crescent moon was very bright again.
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