Songbirds were plentiful this morning though the creek was empty. Pelicans cruised over the water but I didn't see any plunge. On the feeders and the patio (where
WBU said to scatter their freebee) it was colorful. The regulars were joined by titmice, downy woodpeckers, white throated sparrows, juncos, mourning doves, Carolina wrens, and a butterbutt.

Around the edge of the yard, blue jays and a
flicker hunted. At one point something I didn't see scared the birds, and those that didn't scatter crouched and froze, a strategy that worked better in the mulch than on the patio. This white throat wasn't as hidden as it hoped.

At first, dark clouds blew out of the West under the overcast. Around 10:30am blue sky appeared on the Northern horizon and it cleared entirely within an hour.. Meanwhile the temperature steadily dropped.
The sun brought the waterfowl out. Hooded mergansers, buffleheads, ruddy ducks, and a cormorant fished from the surface while pelicans flew. One ruddy took a major bath.
The rest of the afternoon was beautiful. An egret flew over but no other new birds appeared. The regulars, the woodpeckers, and the juncos came back for afters. The squirrels just ate the Christmas bird seed all day long.