Again, there was frost on the mulch, but no ice. Pelicans and gulls and some small ducks were up early but the songbirds slept in. Eventually the regulars were joined by juncos and white throats. Robins and blue jays showed up too. And a downy was back. A finch drinking from the birdbath looked a bit crusty around the eye. I hope it's not another case of conjunctivitis.
A female bufflehead and several cormorants fished at lunch. Finches and chickadees came back to the feeders.

The day got quite warm and we went walking at Lake Lawson. We saw more mushrooms than birds, though we did see a big nest up in a half-dead pine. Juncos, white throats. and a female cardinal were grabbing last minute supper when we got in. Sunset was streaky orange and the moon flaunted its craters.
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