Yesterday I left at dawn to help present a workshop. I saw a gull on the HRBT and several crows at
HU. There were glimmers of sun after lunch but rain started around 3pm. The harbor was fogging in as I returned and a behemoth with yellow glowing eyes was probably a container ship. When I got home, we turned around for K to perform at church. So I never touched a computer.

This morning the wind had already dried the pavement and pushed the dock back up. Wildlife was in hiding. Around noon, a cardinal, a finch, and a couple of white throats ventured out. The wind wasn't as bad and there were glimmers of sun. This one illuminated the feeder.

As predicted, around 3pm the cloud cover broke apart and individual clouds flowed south on the wind. A flock of gulls spied something in the water but I didn't see them catch anything. A pelican made a pass and and egret soared downstream. A couple of buffleheads faced downstream while actually moving in the opposite direction. The squirrels came out. A hawk (Cooper's or Sharp Shinned) swooped around the edge of the pool. Dramatic cloud beams speared out of the West till the sun dropped into a bank of cloud on the horizon.
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