There were titmice on the feeder when I sat down at the breakfast table, but they left as I reached for the camera. A squirrel foraged under the feeder, then ran for its life and hid under a chair. A red tailed hawk had landed up in the trees. The hawk was being pestered by a crow and more were on the way so it departed.

Then the white throats came out to forage and one hopped up onto the feeder. The regulars came out too. A male towhee hopped around the garden hose then flew up into the camellia where I lost sight of it. Eventually the titmice reappeared. The creek was empty, though glittering with sun and reflections, but I glimpsed hooded mergansers down by the dam.
At lunch the action was up in the sky. A turkey vulture circled and a couple of egrets passed over. So did some little ducks I couldn't identify.
As I drove to my meeting around 3:30, there were long pleats of cloud in the East. I got out just after sunset. The East was very dark, in the South clouds were rose and smoke, and the West was clear with a golden afterglow.
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