The sun was often obscured by streaks of cloud that occasionally covered the sky. Then the clouds would pleat into wispy lines or thick bands. Sometimes a thin glaze just dimmed the warmth of the sun. The wind was cold and froze the side of me not toasting in the sunshine.

Lots of ducks were out on the creek beginning with a sleepy male ruddy. I really like their Moe Howard look with the dark inverted bowl atop the head. Then a flock of robins flew over and a few paused in the oak. Northern pintails arrived on the creek and the ruddy disappeared. I later saw him again upstream from the busy pintails. Then a female hooded merganser showed up with her head feathers all puffed. More followed.

Great blue herons and brown pelicans flew over the creek but behind the brush on my side. I'm not sure why I've been seeing so many more herons than egrets this week. Two Carolina wrens flew into the sakaki bush and twittered at me from there. I also heard jays, a woodpecker, and a dove.
In the afternoon, I finally saw birds on the feeder. I also glimpsed what might have been an eagle. Chickadees feasted on the gum balls, something I've never seen before. A downy woodpecker joined them. A blue jay flitted around the yard. A song sparrow poked the mulch.
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