Pelicans cruised the creek and a crow chased a gull. A male bufflehead and cormorants fished from the surface. I also saw a couple of egrets. It was a gorgeous fall morning and the sun made everything glow.

The junco came back along with chickadees. A yellow rumped warbler flitted about. A woodpecker hammered the neighbors' gazebo. Little brown jobs I suspect were brown creepers hopped up the oak trunk. Blue jays called as did several birds I didn't recognize. A buzzard soared. Bees and yellowjackets were busy and buzzed me twice. The pine trees are loaded with cones so some birds and squirrels will eat well.
After lunch we went over to Lake Lawson Natural Area. It was really warm! Where the road crosses the water we saw egrets and ducks. When we walked back the ducks were gone. A flock of robins rushed around the treetops. A pileated woodpecker called. There were other birds but they wouldn't come out and pose. As we were leaving, I saw a white cabbage butterfly flying.

When we got home, ants were swarming in the mulch - creepy! The moon was waxing toward full against a clear blue sky. Much later around 11pm, it was still shining brightly, but clouds were streaming past out of the North.
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