It was not raining at breakfast and there wasn't much wind either. But thunderous-looking clouds passed overhead. White throats were joined by a
fox sparrow, maybe the one who hit the front window. The male downy woodpecker returned to the suet and a squirrel tried to get some but gave up. Maybe the overnight rain dampened the pepper smell until the squirrel got close?
Geese were joined on the creek by a male hooded merganser and a smaller duck, maybe a ruddy? Cormorants, a great blue heron, and several egrets flew above. A blue jay hung out in a dogwood across the yard.
By late morning, the South wind had grown much stronger. Dark clouds moved fast across the overcast sky while the last leaves blew down. White throats kicked wet mulch while finches headed for the feeder. A pelican flew upstream, then mallards paddled the same direction. The temperature reached the 60s though the wind and rain prevented it being pleasant.

There was an interval without rain around 4pm. White throats, woodpeckers, and squirrels came out, as did some kids in shorts down on the dam. I think I glimpsed a butterbutt and a flock of cedar waxwings (I think) landed in the redwood. A pelican circled. All were sent scurrying by the next wave of rain.
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