All I can report from yesterday in Charlottesville is a lot of bird song. A song sparrow perched on a landscaping rock outside the hotel and sang long and loud. Yesterday and today were hot. Cumulus piled up but the rains just missed me. Compared to Friday, the return drive was easy. And I saw a whole osprey standing on the nest platform beside Lake Smith.

When I got home, I was greeted by a brown thrasher. Titmice and chickadees competed for the feeder. A male goldfinch got a drink from the hummer feeder that K replenished. I saw the two male cardinals at their chasing. A flurry of birds surrounded the birdhouse - at least one titmouse and one wren were involved.

With twilight came herons. K saw two yellow crowned night herons perched in the oaks. A great blue heron landed at the edge of the creek. Then two more small herons flew overhead. A brown thrasher continued to ferry food to the nest in the camellia. The moon looked quite round behind the oak leaves. And there were fireflies!
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