Sun, wind, and a clear sky. A Carolina wren came to the feeder a couple of times so I put out some mealworms. But then the squirrel with the white spot showed up and ate them. Meanwhile the cardinal pair tried to court on the feeder perch and tipped it shut. The house wrens went about their business.

Titmice ignored me to get at the sunflower seeds, probably to feed hungry youngsters. A house wren peered out of the birdhouse. Perhaps it got bored sitting on eggs inside? A female downy woodpecker appeared and inspected a dogwood trunk. A cabbage white flitted around and a much smaller butterfly (hairstreak?) perched for a moment.

After lunch, small clouds appeared and haze muted the blue sky. The sun was hot but the wind was not. Chickadees fledged and there was tse-tse-ing for food in all the trees. Yellow flag iris bloomed down near the creek. I discovered recently that they are considered invasive. Mea culpa. A skink saw me first.

In the late afternoon, the haze cleared and the crescent moon hung in a cloudless sky. An osprey flew over and later I heard but couldn't see swifts. A brown thrasher alighted on the fence. A couple of great crested flycatchers chased across the trees and only one returned. The male cardinals continued to argue and the chickadees to feed their progeny. A fox sauntered across the neighbors' yard. Something bit me on the inside of the knee. I photographed it but it was too small to identify.
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