The wind and rain ended and gave way to a gorgeous dawn and a beautiful day. I spent too much of it inside. Nevertheless, I saw white throats at breakfast and skinks at lunch. I hung the birdhouse again and, while doing so, saw an orange butterfly, either a
comma or a
question mark. I didn't have my camera so I have only memory to go on. The hummer visited at lunch. A pair of geese visited with at least four goslings.

Later in the afternoon, a goldfinch pair visited the feeder but a male house finch pushed the female goldfinch off the perch. And the male goldfinch just kept stuffing his face. A Carolina wren hopped around the rosemary and I may have seen a house wren over by the birdhouse. A grackle chased a cardinal. Strange behaviors. The blue flag iris have begun to bloom.
The moon looked nearly full after being hidden by clouds for several nights.
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