Clouds streamed out of the SE, occasionally cutting off the sun. I got the pimento into a pot and the seeds planted. Hopefully I marked the site well enough that they won't get weeded this year. There was a lot of competitive singing going on, with occasional fisticuffs in the bushes. One wren trilled its Rs very effectively. Meanwhile a Carolina wren discovered the mealworm dish and made repeated visits.
I saw a heron go overhead when I didn't have the camera ready. A black and a tiger swallowtail dodged around the yard staying out of my direct view, perhaps they were males? One of the caterpillars has molted into the second instar. Two foxes came past me as I sat outside. One was anxious but the other was blasé.

I got in the pool today, a brisk 72°. There I rescued two mining bees that flew off as soon as I lifted them from the water. A skink moseyed up to the edge while I was in the water. I had to get out to chase geese. I tried to tell them Foxy Loxy had just visited. As I sat and dripped after getting out, another skink ran up to me and under my chair. I saw spider silk in the air and one tiny spiderling landed on me.
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