A pink sunrise was full of birdsong. Later, the wrens were busy singing and flitting around in the bushes.

In the afternoon thunderheads began to pile up in the SW. They moved in slowly but inexorably. When I went outside in mid afternoon, spotted dragonflies were chasing flies that were hoping for rain. Some swallows also pursued bugs. I heard osprey "keee-ing" and saw three of them circling against a dramatic cloud background with spotlight beams. On the grass across the creek a pair of geese led five small goslings. That side is all bulkheaded and the tide was out so I don't know where they came from or where they were going. Mallards were out on the creek along with more geese, and two yellow crowned night herons flew overhead. One was coming upstream and veered off toward me. The other must have been on the dock and gave pursuit.

Eventually the clouds covered the sky and thunder rumbled. But the clouds moved on and then rain fell from blue sky overhead. It must have blown in from the South. It didn't last long and the sun reappeared before the rain ceased. The regulars returned to the feeder and a wet titmouse joined them.
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