The sky was a broken overcast at breakfast. House finches were waiting on the feeder for me to open it up. A hummer visited. Titmice joined the regulars. The cardinals were still courting. Mama white spot squirrel foraged under the feeder. Then a brown thrasher came for a drink at the birdbath. A great crested flycatcher took up a post in the cherry.

At noon, the osprey were hunting over the creek. A gosling got into the pool but got back out. The wrens were busy. A grackle hunted in the grass. A dragonfly banged into the window while a cabbage white flitted around.
At the library I saw a crow bully a mockingbird off a parking lot light. The mockingbird dive bombed the crow to no avail then landed at the other end of the light pole and glared. I think the crow laughed.

Back home, a ladybug landed on the post. Wasps enjoyed the rue. A very small butterfly never paused as it fluttered around the cherry. Titmice were all over the yard. The hummer came back. The brown thrasher foraged. The great crested flycatcher wheeped at me from the top of the redwood. Swallows hunted overhead. Some of the clouds looked threatening and I heard thunder, but blue sky was visible through breaks in the overcast.
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