It was chilly when I unbricked the feeder and the sky looked like rain. Juncos, wrens, and the warbler foraged on the ground while the suet fed the red bellied female and a starling. Finches ate seeds and cardinals watched from the trees. Two Canada geese promenaded across the pool cover.

At lunch, the red belly returned and the downy appeared. Both white throated and song sparrows kicked mulch around looking for fallen seeds. Two tufted titmice defied the warbler to get seeds.

The feral cat showed up and almost caught a junco in the mulch. It then went after a squirrel on the far side of the pool. It kept coming back and scaring off the birds. In between, two wrens zipped around the rosemary and the feeders. The sky began to clear in the late afternoon. Stringy oak blossoms popped out of the buds.
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