The wretched starlings ate all the suet yesterday so there was great disappointment this morning. The warbler, the woodpeckers, and yes, the starlings all came to see if the feeder had magically refilled. Meanwhile sparrows and juncos foraged below.

K went out and bought a new block of suet and installed it before lunch. The red bellied woodpecker and the warbler noticed right away. While we were eating, an osprey landed in the pines across the creek. Eventually the crows noticed. Pelicans cruised over the water. Mallards were also out on the water. A female hoodie fished beside the dock.

In the middle of the afternoon the wood duck pair appeared, swimming upstream and under the dock. A little while later they flew off in the direction of
Woodduck Knoll, the property between the two branches of the lake on Witchduck Road. Somewhat later I was taking pictures of a pelican when the female wood duck photobombed with a splashdown. The drake followed and they again worked along the bank on our side of the creek. I thought they might be looking for a nest cavity, but
this says they do that in the morning.
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