An osprey circled and later several cormorants went paddling and diving upstream, but all I got on camera was a female bufflehead. It was windy and the water was quite rough at low tide.

The suet was all gone to the dismay of a squirrel and a warbler. Juncos and white throated sparrows cleaned up below the feeders. The regulars all came to the seed feeder. Two Carolina wrens investigated the empty suet cage but were content with the mealworms I'd scattered.
Just before lunch, a couple of very wet, female hooded mergansers fished. A crane fly fluttered against the glass. Cabbage whites fluttered everywhere. The sky turned from hazy to white.

In the afternoon the tide got extremely low, pushed by a strong wind. Geese paddled and grazed while a great blue heron preened. A great egret waded in the middle of the creek. An osprey hovered over the water, except when the crows chased it.
As often happens, the sky cleared toward sunset, leaving just enough clouds to make it interesting.
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