It was, however, light when I got up. Sunshine slipped in sideways under a white sky. The squirrel that seems to delight in leaping from bending twigs missed and fell at least 15 feet, but scrambled back up. The cat was back, reducing bird watching opportunities. However, juncos were back, including the brownish female. White throated sparrows and doves joined them under the feeder. Starlings tried to get at the last bits of suet. And a splash on the creek alerted me to a female wood duck.

By midday the overcast broke into big cumulus clouds, some white, but some dark. There was sun for several hours. A cabbage white fluttered through the yard and carpenter bees fed on the rosemary. The male downy was bold enough to work on the suet while we ate outside, but disappeared just before a hawk zoomed through the yard.

Later, an osprey plunged into the creek behind a screen of brush so I couldn't tell if it was successful. It flew off over the lake. A little after 4pm EDT, the rain began. The storm moved East and around 5pm the sun shone intensely on the falling rain. A faint rainbow formed over the creek. Titmice were busy at the feeder while the warbler watched. Cedar waxwings landed briefly in the neighbor's sycamore. And another hour and back to gray, and another band of rain at 7pm.
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