The morning was sunny but there were starlings to annoy me and mallards for K to chase. A downy woodpecker actually came to an accommodation with a starling and they shared suet. A goldfinch got a few bites of suet as well. And of course the warbler got some. Cardinals and house finches stuck to seeds. I glimpsed a white throat but the main foragers were juncos. Then, the cat came back.

The water was placid in the early morning, disturbed occasionally by a bufflehead, a cormorant, or those mallards. Two great blue herons argued over a spot on a dock downstream.

Since it was so "warm" I decided to go sit on the dock. Fortunately I bundled up for the wind. Two pelicans sunned on the roof of the boathouse across the water. A heron and later a pelican perched on one of the channel markers. An osprey hovered and when it plunged, two pelicans streaked past me to plunge in beside it. They must have been watching the osprey! Three pairs of hooded mergansers paddled and preened around the Canada geese. Their colors are so similar and their size so different.
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