In addition to the regulars, a Carolina wren came for breakfast. Later, as I walked past the window I saw three male goldfinches spiraling up into the air over the feeder. I had no idea there were that many around. The sky was cloudy much of the day.

Froggie was back. As I came down the steps, it shrieked and jumped into the pool. I think it had been hanging out by the debris bucket to catch flies. Fledgling Carolina wrens were hopping through the undergrowth. I saw a tiny, but brightly colored, moth in the grass. I believe it was a
Southern purple mint moth. After lunch, I saw another Carolina wren hunting along the edge of the grass and mulch.

Right at dusk, several families of geese started grazing near the creek edge. An adult with goslings that had turned adult colors drove off another family whose goslings were still fuzzy beige, though good sized. The attacking goose, on the right, actually pushed goslings into the water. I've never seen rivalry between goose families before,
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