While gone, I saw dragonflies at the airport, a persistent egret that finally caught something in the pond in front of the convention center, an osprey that buzzed me while I trudged on the elevated walkway back from the convention center, a cormorant where the egret usually hunted, and a couple of huge koi that looked to be more than even the osprey could lift. But I took no pictures.

Today was lovely but hot and humid. A very few wispy clouds passed from West to East. The gladiolus had finished blooming but the orange daylilies were bright. The sunflower that lost its bud a couple of weeks ago responded with a crown of six buds. A male goldfinch checked into the buds but didn't find anything to eat yet. A female came a little later. A Carolina wren came early, but I had not yet refilled the mealworm dish. It did return later. A blue jay lurked in the cedar. I saw a papa cardinal feeding a fledgling in the camellia.

Dragonflies were everywhere but I only saw a few butterflies, including a brown pair that danced in the air. Mating saddlebags flew over but didn't stop. A wandering glider took up a perch. Later a blue dasher did likewise. Bees were still working on the lavender. In the pool I rescued a wasp, a cricket, and several beetles, but not the three Japanese beetles I saw. A green head fly tried to bite me but my splashing either discouraged her, or maybe I actually drowned the wretched thing. Several of the small gray tiger beetles scurried across the gray concrete. I believe I saw mosquitoes laying eggs in a dish of rainwater. Skinks began darting around the patio early in the day.

In the late afternoon, the male goldfinch returned. Several doves flew over the yard and later one poked through the mulch. It was joined by a mockingbird that kept flashing its wings. A white breasted nuthatch landed on the post but didn't stay. And the day finished in a rosy sunset with fireflies.
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