There was a terrific thunderstorm around midnight even though the sky was clear at sundown yesterday. Titmice, a white breasted nuthatch, and downy woodpeckers joined the regulars. A hummer sniffed at the juice so I guess it was past its sell-by. An egret fished the dam outfall. A squirrel atop the seed feeder had a terrible itch. I glimpsed a pine warbler, the first one since Spring warmed up. It seems to me that they most often appear on rainy days.

After lunch, a yellow crowned night heron stalked along the bank and hopped up onto the dock. The wind caught its feathers and tossed leaves in my way. A mist turned to hard rain in the afternoon and the wind made it chilly. And from somewhere a butterscotch-and-cream dog appeared and galloped through the back yard.

The sky cleared before supper. A hummer tried the gladiolus flowers. Four titmice came for seeds, along with the regulars. A Carolina wren poked through the mulch rather than fish floating mealworms out of the dish. I think there was activity around the birdhouse. A slug climbed the window.
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